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“Si no fos pels hotelers serieu uns morts de fam” / “We love Majorcan people”

Arnau Crespí és un empresari hoteler que ha dedicat tota la seva vida a destruir el paisatge mallorquí i a explotar miserablement els seus treballadors. Avui parlam amb ell per aprofundir en les seves motivacions i inquietuds.
Arnau Crepsí is a local businessman who has dedicated all his life to develop the Majorcan touristic industry in a totally respectful way towards its landscape and people. Today we talk to him about his motivations and career.

Foc i Fum [FiF]: Què el motiva a fer feina cada dia?
Arnau Crespí [AC]: Els putes doblers.
Foc i Fum [FiF]: What is your motivation to work?
Arnau Crespí [AC]: I love what I do.

FiF: Què n’opina de l’ecotaxa?
AC: L’ecotaxa i els que l’implantaren són terroristes i els hauríem d’enviar els GAL.
FiF: What do you think about the recent ecotax?
AC: It’s obviously a necessity in order to preserve the environment and the natural heritage of Majorca.

FiF: Com tracta vostè els seus treballadors?
AC: Com a esclaus. Si no fos pels hotelers serieu uns morts de fam.
FiF: How do you treat your employees?
AC: We are like a family. We love Majorcan people and our workers.

FiF: Ja per acabar, per on creu que passa el futur del turisme a Mallorca?
AC: Dur gent fins que l’illa faci un tro, evidentment.
FiF: To conclude, which is your opinion about the future of tourism in Majorca?
AC: We should invest in order to get a high-quality tourism, evidently.