Biel Barceló
Exconseller de Turisme i habitual de Punta Cana
Former Tourism Councillor of the Government of the Balearic Islands
Moltes gràcies per comprar la Guia Turística de Foc i Fum. Em van proposar escriure aquesta benvinguda en el mític viatge a Punta Cana, que va significar la meva injusta destitució. Mentre era conseller vaig descobrir la importància vital del turisme a Mallorca, fet que negava quan feia creure que era ecologista i d’esquerres. No sigueu com els primitius del GOB i Terraferida, que volen destruir la nostra illa i que tornem a anar en carro. Llegiu atentament aquesta guia i a petar Mallorca!
Thanks a lot for buying the amazing Foc i Fum Turistic Guide. I am very honoured to present you one of the best guides of Majorca, which will show you the best part of the island – even better than Punta Cana -. During my time as Turism Councillor I have worked hard for the promotion of a sustainable tourism and against the seasonality of our tourism: believe it or not, Majorca is not closed during winter. We invite you to come and visit us during the whole year. Enjoy this guide and take advantage of our tips!